Flatholm Project Journey
Data Impressionism
The impressionists (1860-1900) were a group of artists who decided to paint, very simply, what they saw, thought, and felt. They weren’t interested in perfection and accuracy of visual appearances. They were more interested in capturing the “impression” of how a landscape, person or thing appeared to them at a Read more…
Flatholm Project Journey
Balancing with the environment
As we journey through our daily lives we will face many situations where we have to balance our needs (i.e. something we must have for survival) and wants (i.e. something which might be good to have, but not essential for survival). Our life and the survival of our world (and Flatholm island) can Read more…
Flatholm Project Journey
Tug-of-War with climate change
Our tug-of-war with climate change. What does it feel like to be in a tug-of-war with our environment? We are starting to think more about what need to do to make an impression on people? How we embed that sense of environmental awareness into their thinking? How we enable them Read more…
Flatholm Project Journey
Sinking sea levels threaten biodiversity
Sea levels around the world are rising fast as temperatures warm due to climate change. Rising seas pose a major risk to the Welsh/ UK’s wildlife. Flatholm island was designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 1972 and is home to many rare plants and animals, many of Read more…
Flatholm Project Journey
Greenability the new ‘usability’?
Right from the beginning, usability took a central role in how humans interact with technology. Jakob Nielsen described as a guru of usability defines it as ‘a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use’. Carroll (2001) described it as ‘understanding and creating software and other technology Read more…
Flatholm Project Journey
A map of Flatholm island
For a small limestone island (approximately 620 metres in diameter, covering 86 acres) it does have a lot of interesting features and areas. As you will see from the map below, we have several nature reserves as well as a gull colony. There is a water tank to provide running water Read more…
Flatholm Project Journey
Can we bring the feathers down from above?
Recalling what what one of the Flatholm island volunteers described as she walked around the island during one of their seagull counts…. ‘a chaotic buzz of activity over their heads’. Seagulls flying excitingly/ frantically overhead… and the need to sometimes duck etc. Lets take a look on google to see Read more…