A very interesting round of early iterative testing this week. The Daptec team learnt a lot from our three young test participant volunteers. For example, in terms of the props it is clear that a touch interaction will occur. Also, they highlighted the need for a human element on the Flora & Fauna map. This was something that we were quite pleased about as we had considered the logbook entries as the human element on this map. Also the sustainable house and the jump interaction afforded a lot of discussion. This was especially around the jump, one volunteer suggested that a step onto the pressure map and then standing on it could fill the water tank, solar panel etc. and then once full, you could jump to push the water, energy around the house. One volunteer felt it would be good to be able to see themselves in the exhibit…the reflective surfaces of the rotating toberlones might afford this. Some very valuable ideas shared.
Categories: Flatholm Project Journey