Biodiversity loss on Flatholm island could mean the extinction of species (plant or animal), as well as the local reduction or loss of species in a certain habitat (i.e. lesser black backed gulls?). This could mean the loss of biological diversity on the island. Interestingly, the local reduction or loss of species in a certain habitat can be temporary or permanent. This depends on whether the reason that leads to the loss is reversible. We are thinking… would more effective recycling practices in Cardiff City have a role in keeping more birds on the island? Wilson et al. (2016) pointed out that ‘understanding the consequences of habitat fragmentation is important for the preservation of biodiversity and enhancing the functioning of the ecosystem’. It goes without saying that humans and their actions are hugely responsible for habitat fragmentation.

Wilson, M. C., Chen, X. Y., Corlett, R. T., Didham, R. K., Ding, P., Holt, R. D., … & Laurance, W. F. (2016). Habitat fragmentation and biodiversity conservation: key findings and future challenges.


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